November 20, 2012

Product & Print // 014

I totally feel like the person using these knives would have that sweet ampersand print hanging in their kitchen, right?! A [large] part of me wants to be that person.

product & print // 014

product (it's on too!) | print


  1. I love those knives! I saw them on my friends blog, as her girlfriend bought her some and I cannot get over how gorgeous they are. :D

  2. Those knives are stellar! And I love the ampersand (and I love the word ampersand).

  3. Those knives are adorable! I love each of these!

  4. I don't know what it is about the ampersand (maybe all the curves) but I desperately like how they look in all different types of design

  5. I would like to be that person. I love that ampersand and those knives!!

  6. AWESOME! Need those knives! I've always wanted the kinds of knives that stick to a magnet strip on the wall. If these knives did that I might die and go to knife heaven. Maybe.

    xo, Melanie from My Billie
